Financial Strain on Rural Pharmacies | The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette


Rural Pharmacies Facing Financial Pressures: The Story of Basin Pharmacy

Basin Pharmacy: A Lifeline for Rural Communities

In the vast expanse of rural northern Wyoming lies the town of Basin, home to about 1,300 people. In this remote area, Basin Pharmacy is not just a place to pick up prescriptions – it is a vital hub of healthcare access for the entire community and beyond.

Pharmacist Craig Jones is the heart and soul of Basin Pharmacy. He goes above and beyond for his patients, making house calls when needed, answering calls at all hours of the night, and even discussing personal health matters with church members. Despite his dedication, financial pressures are mounting on his business.

The pharmacy provides essential supplies like catheters, colostomy supplies, and diabetic testing strips. It also stocks food for patients who require tube feeding and fills prescriptions in bulk for various institutions. Patients travel from as far as five hours away to access the specialized services offered by Jones and his team.

However, rural pharmacies like Basin Pharmacy are facing increasing challenges. Financial pressures, low reimbursements, and competition from larger corporations are threatening their existence. In Wyoming alone, several independent pharmacies have closed in the past year, with more closures expected.

The impact of a pharmacy closure is deeply felt in rural communities. In Herscher, Illinois, the closure of a CVS pharmacy left residents scrambling to find alternative options. For many, the local pharmacy was a convenient and reliable source of medications and healthcare services.

Despite the challenges, Jones remains committed to serving the Basin community. He has diversified his business ventures to keep his pharmacy afloat, even cashing in retirement accounts to save a grocery store from closing. His daughter, Camilla, who is now involved in running the pharmacy, represents the next generation of pharmacists dedicated to serving rural communities.

As rural pharmacies continue to face financial hardships, the future of these vital healthcare providers remains uncertain. The resilience and dedication of pharmacists like Craig Jones are a testament to the importance of these establishments in ensuring access to healthcare in rural areas.


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